Terms of use :
1- the site can't be used by persons under 18 years old.
2- Using Information from our website without permission from website's administration is prohibited.
3- The prices on the site are the initial prices , and could be changed according to the producer's prices.
4- Wholesaling is according to the quantity specified by the manufacturer
5- "Souqalanadol" is an Intermediate company , and it is not responsible for manufacture's faults nor Customer's mistakes .
6- "Souqalanadol" has the right to cancel the contracts whose owners do not comply with the agreed terms.
7- Financial transactions are carried out through Bank transfers and current account
8- All commercial services provided by "Souqalanadol" vary in quality according to those service.
9- "Souqalanadol" has the right to correct any error or inaccuracy in the information contained in the Product.
10- These conditions are an essential part of any contracts between "Souqalanadol" and other parties.
1- What services does "Souqalanadol " website provide?
⋆ In addition to being a platform through which Turkish products are offered for sale, it offers the following services:
1- Get quotes for one product .
2- Manufacturing in accordance with the specifications desired by the Customer with the possibility of branding .
3- Organizing visits to Turkish companies and factories .
4- All that is necessary to facilitate the investment process within Turkey .
2- How much commission does "Souqalanadol" charge ?
⋆ Varies by service provided .
3- What products do you not deal with?
⋆ any Product that is incompatible with the Islamic Law .
4- Minimum order through "Souqalanadol" website :
⋆ "Souqalanadol" specializes in wholesale sale only, minimum order value is set by the manufacturer .
5- When can the contracting process be canceled?
⋆ Before concluding the contract with the manufacturer , Taking into account that the process of contracting with the manufacturer lasts from 24 to 48 hours .
6- Do you have offices in Qatar and the rest of the Arab countries?
⋆ Currently: None (except in Qatar)
, and in the near future our work will expand to include the rest of the Arab countries .
7- What is the duration expected for completing Deals and shipping to the delivery port?
⋆ Varies by service provided .
8- What is the liability of "Souqalanadol" in case the product does not conform to the agreed specifications?
⋆ "Souqalanadol" website's commitment to the conformity of agreed products is a commitment to care and not something else . We Provide all our efforts to conform the product to the specifications, but we do not take responsibility for non-conformity of the product to the agreed specifications.
9- What is "Souqalanadol" website's liability for shipping damage?
⋆ Does not take any responsibility , but our Customers has the right to pursue the shipping company legally and "Souqalanadol" website is obliged to provide all logistics services.
Shipping Policy :
1- "Souqalanadol" deals with the largest transport companies in Turkey, which provides the best services in this field .
2- Shipping all our customers' goods from Turkey to Qatar.
3- Inspection of the Shipped goods to ensure that they comply with specifications.
4- Packaging of the shipped goods to ensure that they are not harmed by the shipping process.
5- "Souqalanadol" Provides all types of freight : Naval - Air freight , that commensurates with the type of the shipped goods .
6- "Souqalanadol" seeks to get quotes from specialized transport companies, which contributes to obtain competitive prices and good services.