And its service we check the products from the turkish factory before ship it to your country And that's through test some of the products and check the quality that's the customer deal with the Turkish factory and send report before ship it to your country
And we give this service to the people and company who would import products from turkey there are thousands of Turkish factories in Turkey and many are unaware of the offers made by these factories and they are also ignorant of their whereabouts, which leads them to obtain goods at high prices that exceed the real price of the product ... this service enables you to know the real price of the goods that you want To import it.
It is a service we offer to companies and people who want to be agents of Turkish factories, to market and distribute its products in countries they choose. All the customer has to provide us with the field he wants to work in (food, clothing, detergent .....) Advantages of be agency: 1- Get prices cheaper than the average customers gets. 2- Get free offers. 3- Providing free advertising services.
In their view: market size, competitors analysis, sales and marketing plan, and economic feasibility study. In this case, the Anadol market can provide all necessary studies for the pre-project phase
TUR: +905533339944/KSA: +966580578302/OMN: +968 9461 7037
تركيا - ولاية غازي عينتاب بين أفلر جانب مشفى كمال بياندر - ولاية اسطنبول - الفاتح شارع فوزي باشا مقابل جامع الفاتح خلف فاتح للصرافة بناء رقم 9 الطابق الثاني مكتب رقم 4 / ISTANBUL FATİH AKŞEMSETTIN MAHALLESI ZÜLALI ÇEŞMESİ SOKAK NO:9 / K :2 / D :4
تركيا - ولاية غازي عينتاب بين أفلر جانب مشفى كمال بياندر - ولاية اسطنبول - الفاتح شارع فوزي باشا مقابل جامع الفاتح خلف فاتح للصرافة بناء رقم 9 الطابق الثاني مكتب رقم 4 / ISTANBUL FATİH AKŞEMSETTIN MAHALLESI ZÜLALI ÇEŞMESİ SOKAK NO:9 / K :2 / D :4
Phone: TUR: +905533339944/KSA: +966580578302/OMN: +968 9461 7037
Address: تركيا - ولاية غازي عينتاب بين أفلر جانب مشفى كمال بياندر - ولاية اسطنبول - الفاتح شارع فوزي باشا مقابل جامع الفاتح خلف فاتح للصرافة بناء رقم 9 الطابق الثاني مكتب رقم 4 / ISTANBUL FATİH AKŞEMSETTIN MAHALLESI ZÜLALI ÇEŞMESİ SOKAK NO:9 / K :2 / D :4